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Friday, April 30, 2010

The Night the Music Died in Natchez

On this the 70th anniversary of the infamous Rhythm Club Fire, Chicago Public Radio has a story about the tragedy that brings it to life with music from the band that was playing that night and recollections of people who were there. More than 200 people perished in the fire, which changed state and federal laws pertaining to fire codes that are still in force today.

You can listen to it here:


Jak King said...

Thanks for reminding us of this important tragedy and for the fascinating link!

Elodious said...

Thanks, Jak. My dad was about 12 years old when it happened. He says there was a pall over the whole town and it smelled like burnt human flesh.

He knew people who died in it. Everyone did. It was truly horrible.

A few years ago I found a newspaper on Ebay with a story about it. It had made the front page of newspapers all over the country. It had photos of bodies piled up out front with people just standing around looking bewildered.

An awful, awful thing.