I used to lived in a house in California that just got the most gorgeous afternoon light. A couple of years ago, I was putting away the Christmas ornaments and just had to grab the camera to take some photos of them in that light.
Then I had an idea. Using graduated bowls with tape securing the bowls, I poured water into the space between the bowls, tucking some berries and leaves and small branches into the water and then stuck it in the freezer to freeze. When it was frozen, I removed the bowls and had a gorgeous ice bowl into which I put some of the Christmas ornaments.
I took pictures with the idea of making my own Christmas cards out of them. As the ice melted, the bowl became clear and some of the leaves peeked out of the ice. It made some interesting shots. This year I finally made the cards. They're great, if I do say so, myself (and I do).