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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

The Cat Whisperer

Well, we got new carpet, and the house was just too darned clean. So we figured the only thing to do was get a new puppy to break it in. Meet Versace, our puggle -- a new designer breed that's a cross between a pug and a beagle.
Our older dog, Chuey, is kind of nonchalant about it, if not outright depressed. But I think he's beginning to figure out that this is actually a cat that will play with him instead of just getting mad and stalking off. And the cats? Well, you know how cats are.
We have three cats -- two fat, long-haired, laid-back, all-purpose cats and one skinny, high-strung Siamese. The two big cats are being rather cool, just walking by and ignoring the puppy's attempts to raise a ruckus. But the Siamese is beside himself, hissing and making an astoundingly graceful leap over the baby gate to escape the little alien who's invaded his heretofore peaceful kingdom. Slowly but surely, though, he's making occasional forays into the den to sniff noses, hiss and then slowly slink away. I'm sure they'll get used to each other in a few more days.

The funniest thing Versace did was the other evening when Bamboo, the Siamese, had jumped over the baby gate into the kitchen while Versace happened to be in the room. They both stood stock still, just looking at each other. Then Versace hunched down on her little tummy and slowly stuck her rear end up in the air waggling it just a bit. Then -- very, very slowly -- she put one foot forward and stopped, holding perfectly still. Then -- slowly, slowly again -- she put the other foot forward and stopped, staying stock still like a lion stalking its prey. Finally, she couldn't stand it any more and dashed forward, causing Bamboo to make his escape back over the baby gate. It was hilarious. I've never seen a dog actually stalk anything like that. I'm used to dogs that just go gaga, running helter skelter after whatever they want, making lots of noise and acting altogether kinda stupid and silly.
So far and thanks to the baby gates, the carpet remains unmolested. And Versace's quickly getting the hang of this housebreaking stuff, amazingly quickly, in fact. So there you have it. The latest scoop on poop.

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