Early morning.Raucous parakeetNegotiations.Cleaning house.Shouting orders.Making borders.I am here.You stay there.Each man’s perch,his cageFeathered jade.Sapphire desire,fleeting, desperate, quickas all get outOf me. BeforeYou know it,You’ve spilledyour seed andeverything’s a mess.The doves arrivefor brunch and waitalong the wall.Cagedneon emissariespeck solemn salutationsIn yesterday’s hullsAnd wonder.Why do thedull-coated birdsfly free?How far is up?Is the garden flat?Or round?Palm fronds sigh.Water giggles.Yellow birdpushes eggs outthe nest, her rightto choose, theonly choiceleft.~~ Elodie PritcharttIn California I had an aviary in the backyard filled with parakeets. I wrote this at a time I was feeling a bit trapped. At the time, I was doing a writing exercise called 100 Words where I would write 100 words -- no more; no less -- every day for one month.
I don't have the self-discipline to actually do it every single day for a month, but I did get a few interesting things out of it. And I've since reedited it, so now it has 105 words.
For any of you who are writers (it doesn't have to be poetry. Just 100 words in any form), you can see the 100 words website here: